P Note is a professional and user-friendly application that allows you to manage all your daily tasks or store your daily memories and events in it, and in this regard, you are comfortable that These notes are completely secure and you can save them in the device with one click.
Some of the features of P Note:
- Ability to create checkboxes (add daily tasks to notes and manage them easily)
- Ability to add photos, videos, etc. to notes
- Ability to change the color of notes
- Ability to lock notes
- Ability to save notes in the device
- Quick and easy search among notes
- Change the display of notes (as a grid or list)
- Has an "archive" section to store important notes
- Has a "Trash" section to hold deleted notes
- Ability to change the software shell and turn it into "dark mode"
- Ability to change the font of the text of the notes