Install +10 K
Category Arcade
Size 50 MB
Last Update 2023 October 8
Tekken 3

Tekken 3

BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc
Version 1.2
Install +10 K
Category Arcade
Size 50 MB
Last Update 2023 October 8
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More Info

One of the best arcade games of its time Tekken 3 is now available on the android platform. Its developer Namco did not originally launch the mobile app version. But you can still get
it via an APK file and easily play it with an external or built-in
phone emulator app.

If you are one of the two or three PlayStation owners who have seen, played or at least heard of Tekken 3,
then it’s your lucky day. There are no more excuses. This is the best
fighting game released to date so it is time for you to pry the
controller out of your hand and go pick it up. For those of us who have
been around since the beginning, Tekken 3 mobile will not disappoint.

This game is so classic. If you want to read more about its history, head over to Wikipedia.


Selecting the players and entering a match is the same as it was on
the PlayStation and has not changed. Veteran players who are playing
this game for a long time will be amazed by the smoothness of this game
when they play Tekken 3 on an android smartphone.

The controls are left-hand joysticks and right-hand buttons on your
mobile screen. Initially, you will have to work out the controllers but
after a few tries, you will cruise through combos like playing in a

The best thing about Tekken 3 has to be the speed at which the game
plays. Every move seems to fly directly from your fingers into the mind
of your character and they obey instantaneously. There is little or no
lag between the time you make the move and the time that it actually
executes. If you don’t have this going, you may as well pack it in
because today’s gamer wants that split-second reaction time and split
second is what you will get with this game.

Tekken 3 Graphics

Developers have managed to give you arcade-quality graphics with no
add-on required. The characters and their movements are all fluid and
natural. It was still amazing to just sit back and watch someone else
play the game. The characters all reacted realistically. For example,
when you hit someone in the side, they hunched over like they were hit
in the side. This made Tekken 3 very realistic considering the age and
the medium you are playing it on.

So If you have an android device with a ram above 1GB then download this game asap. You may also want to try out the TEKKEN mobile from the original developer Namco.

User Reviews - 12 Rates
5 from 5
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