Mahdi in the View of Ahle Sunnah

Mahdi in the View of Ahle Sunnah

Version 4.0
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Category Religious
Size 12 MB
Last Update 2021 March 17
Mahdi in the View of Ahle Sunnah

Mahdi in the View of Ahle Sunnah

‌Hadi App
Version 4.0
Install +2 K
Category Religious
Size 12 MB
Last Update 2021 March 17
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Hadiths on Mahdi were narrated by many companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Narrations on the rise of Mahdi quoted from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and statements of Prophet’s companions (whose testimonies work as hadiths) that relied on Prophet’s sayings are included in many of the well-known Islamic books as well as books of Prophet’s hadith from Islamic factions. Some Islamic scholars have written special books on Mahdi, and some of the early and recent scientists have asserted in their books that hadiths on Mahdi are frequent and absolutely undeniable.
The Sihah Sitta (or the Authentic Six books) is the most authentic Sunni books, which are the second most important religious sources available to Sunnis following the Noble Quran.
The Sihah Sitta includes two spectra of hadiths on Mahdism: In the first series of hadiths the notion of Mahdism is inferred from the hadiths, whereas the second group of hadiths includes special hadiths that only focus on the Mahdi. In this app and commentary, we first discuss hadiths from the Authentic Six with general references to Mahdism and then we discuss hadiths specifically dedicated to the Mahdi.


English, Arabic, Assamese, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Dutch, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Kurdish, Malayalam, Marathi, Pashto, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Tajik, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek

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