UCCW - Ultimate custom widget

UCCW - Ultimate custom widget

Version 4.10.8
Install +500
Category Personalization
Size 24 MB
Last Update 2022 November 8
UCCW - Ultimate custom widget

UCCW - Ultimate custom widget

Version 4.10.8
Install +500
Category Personalization
Size 24 MB
Last Update 2022 November 8
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More Info

UCCW is no longer maintained. Please consider switching to Widgets by You, a new and improved widget maker.

Make your own widgets, just the way you like.

Install countless skins from Google play or use 'uzips' (fully editable UCCW skin files) made by your friends.

UCCW is a WYSIWYG (What-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor for widgets. You can tweak the layout of objects, fonts, images, shapes, Analog clocks, battery meters, weather and more.

Widget objects - text, shapes, images, weather, graphic (progress), analog clock etc.
Text objects - calendar, weather, battery info, Gmail, location, next calendar event, tasker variables
Graphical objects - barcode, bar, pie
Special objects - Week bar, Series clock
Text mapping to override text values

Set actions that fire when a user clicks on the widgets. Customize their location and size.

Sharing skins
Want to share your awesome skins with the world? Share uzip files or create apks right from within app to upload on Google play.

UCCW needs to run in the background to update home screen widgets. Android Oreo and above need a persistent notification for background processing.

Join the UCCW beta program here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/in.vineetsirohi.customwidget
for latest updates

Help the developer with localization: https://crowdin.com/project/uccw-ultimate-custom-widget/invite?d=d5l6j4i68507k523l4p4b323r4

App Permissions
Storage - for saving skins
Your location - to show the user location and fetching weather data
Network communication - for weather and ads
Your social information - for direct dial hotspot
Your personal information - to show the next calendar event
Your accounts - for Gmail unread mails count

User Reviews - 92 Rates
3.5 from 5
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