MafiaPlus | Manage mafia Party Game

MafiaPlus | Manage mafia Party Game

Version 1.6.1 bazar
In-app Purchases
Install +50 K
Category Casual
Size 70 MB
Last Update 2024 September 27
MafiaPlus | Manage mafia Party Game

MafiaPlus | Manage mafia Party Game

Adrianet group
Version 1.6.1 bazar
In-app Purchases
Install +50 K
Category Casual
Size 70 MB
Last Update 2024 September 27
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More Info

Mafia Plus is a product developed by Adrianet Group, which in addition to its main application, which manages the Mafia game, also includes role training and learning the game process.

Application features:

Ability to build a game with a maximum of 35 players

Ability to specify the order of placement of players

Customize role settings

Help balance the game

Randomly distribute roles to create a completely healthy game

Intelligent control of all night operations for all roles

Control the speaking time and the number of votes of the players

Smart notification of deleted players day and night

Possibility to return to the status of the night or the day before

Ability to reverse night operations (in case of incorrect operation) and re-register operations

Displays the number of players removed and remaining at each moment of the game

Very easy to use and convenient with attractive sound

Ability to pre-register the hosts of the Mafia game

And whatever the game operator needs

Dear friends, you are probably familiar with the Mafia group game. A very attractive group game that has fascinated many people. In this game, in addition to the players, a person plays a role as the manager who is responsible for controlling the game. Depending on the number of players and the number of roles in the game, the management is usually very difficult and complicated, and with the slightest mistake, the gameplay may be incomplete, unfair and unhealthy.

For this reason, Mafia Plus has been produced and developed so that the operators can take control of the game as easily as possible, regardless of the complexity of the roles. All stages of the game, including nights, days, leaving and removing players from the game, etc. In this controllable application, the game manager will no longer worry about possible mistakes.

We hope you experience fascinating and enjoyable moments using this application.

User Reviews - 271 Rates
4.1 from 5
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