Undertakers Haft Sin

Undertakers Haft Sin

Version ورژن 5 همراه با تبلیغات-طراحی سبزه و تخم مرغ
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Category Education
Size 14 MB
Last Update 2017 February 18
Undertakers Haft Sin

Undertakers Haft Sin

Version ورژن 5 همراه با تبلیغات-طراحی سبزه و تخم مرغ
Install +5 K
Category Education
Size 14 MB
Last Update 2017 February 18
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Greetings and respect to serve your guest Market Cafe

This year's Nowruz Haft Seen table decoration How are you doing?

You know how the green seeds you? How to color your eggs?

So, stay with us and that educational app "Undertakers Haft Sin" to study sincerely thank you.

The goal of this app is early, education planting of greenery and coloring eggs but according to Nowruz Haft Sin, in the first part, we talked at length about this ancient holiday is a comprehensive pack of ancient tradition and Iranian traditions and customs of the time is available.

The book is available on-line training course, but as you know, is there anything different on the dispersion and inconsistency, confusing the user.

  And Nagfnh note that all content on the site will find this app very easy and we have work for you. And if something new is certainly in the next version update will be.

This training is in addition to knowing the ancient holiday of Nowruz, curing and painting several drills and plans brunette Several eggs will learn methods and the galleries you will use to get an idea....

Index Nowruz Haft Seen table decorations training applications:

1. Editorial defendants

2. ancient Iranian Nowruz (detailed explanation)

3. Nowruz Haft Sin and training decorated Haft Sin definitions and requirements Haft Sin

4. Education preplant and decorate a variety of Easter grass

5. Full training table coloring eggs Nowruz

6. Education jelly grass for Easter table

7. History Bedar, malevolent or not Bedar

8. Ancient History of New Year and Easter. . .

Each of the above listed below are complete and much information has been provided.


Thanking you and your loved ones

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