

Version 9.0.5
Install +2 K
Category Travel & Local
Size 18 MB
Last Update 2021 January 10


Version 9.0.5
Install +2 K
Category Travel & Local
Size 18 MB
Last Update 2021 January 10
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More Info

Short description:

PilaPila is a practical and free application in the field of Displaying Travel and Tour information and reservation.

By installing the PilaPila application, go everywhere you would prefer, stay, and come back.

Long description:

By installing the PilaPila application, an online Tourism system in 24/7, you will be able to transfer all its features such as buying airplane tickets, Hotel reservations, Booking specific tours to your smartphone, and travel without any predetermined concern.

The features of PilaPila application including:

1-    Online flight booking (International and domestic airlines all around the world with auto ticketing process) by offering the best route by comparing different flight routes available between two destinations. (feel free to filter for cheapest, fastest, recommended).

2-    Online hotel reservation all over Iran by offering the luxury and also affordable hotels all over Iran with new ones that are being added every period.

3-    Offering the best sightseeing and Tour reservation with functionality that allows users to take online booking, process payment, and so on by maximizing profit.

4-    Online customer service 24/7 including web chat support, phone support, and E-mail support.

5-    Online ticket refunds in the shortest possible time.

6-    Send instant Online confirmation to the client’s E-mail address and phone number.

7-    Offering to access the archive of purchased tickets.

8-    Offering to access the archive of reserved hotels.

9-    Offering to manage transactions.

10- Offering to charge profile account or use credit payment for buying.


These features have made PilaPila is as one of the most powerful easy-to-use and interactive application

User Reviews - 29 Rates
3.9 from 5
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سید مهدی
افتضاحه اصلا واردبرنامه نمیشه اخطارعدم اتصال به اینترنت میده در حالی که اینترنت گوشیم وای فای هست انواع و اقسام اپلیکشن سایت ها رو باز میکن
خیلی خوبه. راحت سریع بلیط هواپیما گرفتم. نرخش هم از جاهای دیگه کمتر بود
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