Install | +100 K |
From 85 Rates | 2.2 |
Category | Weather |
Size | 10 MB |
Last Update | 2022 April 15 |
Install | +100 K |
From 85 Rates | 2.2 |
Category | Weather |
Size | 10 MB |
Last Update | 2022 April 15 |
Display complete information about the climate of each city such as temperature - amount of clouds - amount of humidity - speed and direction of wind - amount of air pressure.
Ability to search any city in the world.
Display the latitude and longitude of each city.
Show the date of the day. Day - Month - Date of the day.
Display the amount of air pollutant elements.
Announcing air pollution indicators and, if necessary, issuing warnings for different groups.
Weather forecast for the next three days.
Announcement of sunrise and sunset times.
Announcing the time of sunrise and sunset of the moon.
Beautiful wallpapers that are displayed to suit the time of day or night.